Our Beautiful Family

Our Beautiful Family
"Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans..." Isaiah 1:17a

Monday, July 30, 2012

Having Faith

We did it, we finished the "paper-chase" our dossier is in Ethiopia! We are so excited to finally wait! I never thought we'd get to this step in this process. It definitely hasn't been easy and I know it will continue being a challenge. However, I am not worried because God is in control! A few weeks ago, Matt and I owed $3,700 to our agency. With that said, we knew we had to HAVE FAITH. I currently have the summer off while Matt works. It's been rough! We decided to try taking out another small loan. Since Matt and I already have a loan, we could only get an extra $1,600-1,800 more. Then, we realized Matt's tuition is due in August and we will have to pay about $600-800 for the first payment. That means we will only have $1,000 left for the adoption fees! We still owed $2,700!!!! Matt and I continued to HAVE FAITH and prayed every night. Finally, we emailed our pastor and associate pastor and asked them if we could have a fundraiser at our church. Our pastors were thrilled to support us! They were excited to help us do a fundraiser. So, they told us that we would do the "cook-out" in 2 weeks and that all we needed to do is bring a few drinks and ice. THAT WAS IT! I felt a little helpless, but extremely grateful!

Our hotdog and hamburger fundraiser was super simple. It was probably the easiest fundraiser we have had so far. Moe's even donated some Moo Moos, chips, and salsa! We have never felt so much support and love like we did that day. Matt and I are so blessed to have such an amazing church family. So many people went above and beyond to support us. God really laid it on so many people's hearts to donate.Guess how much we raised....... around $2,700! We raised just enough money!!! Matt and I had FAITH, and God provided!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Bridgette,

    I have an adoption fundraising idea I'd like to share with you. Could you email me at mlee@coupaide.com?


    Matthew Lee
