Our Beautiful Family

Our Beautiful Family
"Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans..." Isaiah 1:17a

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Our Home Study Visit With Our Children

Our social worker came today to interview our children. I was a little nervous that my children would say something to embarrass us. Children say the funniest things. They are constantly saying things to embarrass us. That's okay because one day we can embarrass them back!  I think they did a great job. Kaylin, however, told our social worker that our dog bit our cat. REALLY??? Our dog has NEVER bitten our cat. She continued to tell her that Chupa, our cat, has bitten our dog, too. Again, NO SHE HASN'T.  So now our social worker probably thinks that we have wild animals. Silly little girl!!! Chupa, our cat, has hissed at our dog, but that is about it. Then, as we were all sitting on the couch, Kaylin yells at her brother, "GET OFF ME!"-he was sitting very close to her. After that, they started arguing over the remote! *sigh*  HA HA. All I could do is look at Matt and smile. I am just glad that was all they did. Last night, as we were talking about our social worker coming, Kaylin says, "Mom, we will not call her poopy pants."  At that moment, I thought to myself....this will be a hit or miss. They will either embarrass us or say all the right things. But you know what.....it went great! I stressed over NOTHING. Everything went great. What a great day! My children are wonderful, too!  I honestly do not know what I would do without those two in my life. They are constantly making us laugh! Kaylin is very outspoken. She is our tomboy princess. She wants to do everything her brother does. Kyler is very smart and oh he loves to talk, too. His teachers probably wish they could push "mute" on him. He does have a HUGE heart though. He loves building legos. He amazes me everyday. Kaylin and Kyler are best friends. They truly love one another. The moment we told our kids that we were adopting they were so excited. Kaylin cannot wait for a sister. Kyler, however, wants a brother. Every day we talk about the adoption. Kaylin loves talking about her sister in Africa. Kaylin also loves looking at Ethiopian children. She is always asking us if the girls in those pictures are her sister. She is so eager to meet her sister. We do not even know her yet, and we love her! Every night Kyler prays for the orphans. He is excited to change someones life. I cannot wait to bring a little girl into our home. I know it will not be easy at first, but we have A LOT of love to give! When Kaylin and Kyler are apart, they are always thinking about one another. When I take Kaylin to the store, she wants to buy her brother a toy. Kyler always wants to make or buy Kaylin gifts, too. I am truly blessed to have such amazing children.


  1. I saw your post on the yahoo group and loved reading how it went here! :) We are close to having our visits too and I'm a bit nervous about what my kids may say as well! :) Glad you survived! :)

  2. I should have helped Kaylin and Kyler come up with some really good material to embarrass you with since you did your fair share to embarrass me over the years!!!! I'm so proud of you sweet daughter, and I'm so glad things went well. No surprises there. You are such an outstanding and amazing person. I'm not a bit biased either. :)
