Our Beautiful Family

Our Beautiful Family
"Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans..." Isaiah 1:17a

Thursday, March 22, 2012

I have a lot on my heart today. There's a little girl in Uganda that needs a family. Our agency does not do adoptions through Uganda so if we pursue this adoption, we will be on our own.  I already fill overwhelmed with the help of  my agency. How will we do this on our own?! Then I realized, God will guide us through everything! This little girl is autistic and has epilepsy. Matt and I have always thanked God for our healthy children and now we are considering making this little girl our very own!?!  I do not even know if  it will be possible to adopt her. At the moment, we are contacting several people and trying to figure out if this is even a option. I have moments when I stop and think........will this be too much to handle? What would my children think? Then I realized.....God has a plan for us. He will not fail us. He would not give us anything we couldn't handle! He wants us to be faithful to Him and Obey Him. What if this is God's plan. I do not know if my family would understand either. I am sure people are going to ask us.......WHY???? Why would we want a special needs child when there are so many healthy ones out there. Well, we am not "picking" our child. God will decide who He wants us to have. He is the one who put adoption on our hearts so He knows what He is doing. I know that my children would embrace this little girl, too. Matt and I have both cried over this little girl.  So, I ask anyone who reads this, pray!!!! Pray that God will show us the way. Pray that this little girl finds a family if it's not us.